




Time Period


Houdini and Spiritualism

Houdini's Impact


Time Period

An advertisement for Harry and Bess's act in 1895 (Library of Congress).

Bottom Paragraph of Advertisement:

"All the Apparatous used in this Act is inspected by a Committee selected from the audience.

Moos. Houdini's hands are fastened behind his back, is securly tied in a bag and the knots are sealed, then placed in a massive box which is locked and strapped, the box is then rolled into a small cabinet and Mlle. Houdini draws the curtain and claps her hand three times, at the last clap of her hands the curtain is drawn open by Moos. Houdini and Mlle. Houdini has disappeared, and upon the box being opened She is found in his place in the bag, the seals unbroken and her hands tied in precisely the same manner as was Moos. Houdini when first entering the bag.

Just think over this, the time consumed in making the change is THREE SECONDS!

We challenge the World to produce an act with greater Mystery Speed or Dexterity.

Respectfully yours,


A newspaper from 1923 that explains when Houdini visited Marquette University and lectured students about false mediums. Newspaper taken from Marquette University Libraries.

Main Points of Newspaper:

"Houdini Discloses Secrets And Frauds of Spiritualism

Magician Shows by Slides How Public Is Duped Through Traps And Aides.

Showing by numerous slides and instances how he exposed supposed mediums and spiritualists, Harry Houdini, world known magician, gave a talk Wednesday morning to the members of the philosophy class of Marquette University...

He explained how the three Fox Sisters had deluded many of their "Spirit Rappings" which was merely the rolling of an apple along the floor and drawing it back by means of a string attached...

Using two students as aides, Mr. Houdini showed how mediums, when supposedly grasping one hand of each person, have one hand free to manipulate a pencil.

The great magician himself has led many people to believe that he moved objects with the aid of the spirits, but in each instance he showed how the trick was performed. "Teddy" Roosevelt is numbered among those fooled by Houdini..."

A challenge to Houdini from the Weed Chain Tire Grip Co. (Library of Congress).

"My chief task has been to conquer fear. The public sees only the thrill of the accomplished trick; they have no conception of the tortuous preliminary self-training that was necessary to conquer fear."

-- Harry Houdini

Background image credit: Library of Congress.